
This is a blog for the students in the ARLT 100 Modernology class. Our focus is on seeing Japan–and related things–through histories of food, from the ground to the plate. It is dedicated to sharing good writing and resources on Japan, Japanese food, and broader food-related concerns–nutrition, road food, animal studies, healing gardens, food fads, restaurants and more.

Also, since planting and enjoying a garden is on our “plate,” to to speak, I have also included some local garden spots and resources–and will be sharing much more about OUR garden once classes start in late August.

My avatar, the one you see first under “shrine gardeners,” is one of the residents of the garden on Shrine place near USC behind the Shrine Auditorium–a grand poobah of a pumpkin.

Please feel free to add posts that may be of interest to the kindred stomachs in the class. You might want to tell people about upcoming events, organizations around town, interesting restaurants, foods or meals you have encountered, or other stuff. Please use categories & tags to organize what you post. Questions about how the class is organized may be directed to me, the professor/organizer, Anne McKnight, at mcknight@usc.edu.

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